Starting Monday 20th May
7.30pm for 10 weeks
Alpha is a quality way to explore the big questions of life and the basics of the Christian faith, in a welcoming environment , designed for great conversation in which no question is off limits and everyone is free to express their beliefs. Each session will include great cakes, fresh coffee and drinks, an episode from the Alpha Film Series and lots of opportunity for great conversation.
It’s at times like these those we start to ponder and question meaning and purpose. Alpha is a safe place to ask the big questions of life. We will be asking questions like 'Is there more to life than this?' 'Who is Jesus?' 'Why did Jesus die?'. and best of all you are welcome to come and belong.
Our next Alpha Course will be hosted at Morecambe Bay Community Primary School, Station Road, LA4 5JL
To sign up fill in the form below
If you have any questions please Get In Touch