Buried & Raised // Baptism

Day 1: New Life in Christ

Reading: Romans 6:1-11

Devotional: As we begin this journey, let's reflect on the profound symbolism of baptism. Just as Christ died and was raised to new life, we too are called to die to our old selves and embrace a new life in Him. Today's reading reminds us that our baptism represents our union with Christ in His death and resurrection.

Consider the areas of your life where you still cling to old habits or ways of thinking. How can you actively "die" to these things and embrace the new life Christ offers? Remember, this isn't about perfection, but about a daily choice to live for Christ. Pray for the strength to continually choose this new life, trusting in God's transformative power.

Day 2: Obedience as an Act of Love

Reading: John 14:15-24

Devotional: Yesterday, we explored the new life Christ offers. Today, we consider how we respond to this gift. Jesus tells us that if we love Him, we will obey His commands. Obedience isn't about earning God's love, but rather it's our loving response to what He's already done for us.

Baptism is one such act of obedience. It's a public declaration of our faith and commitment to Christ. Reflect on areas in your life where God might be calling you to step out in obedience. Is there something He's asking you to do that you've been hesitant about? Remember, our obedience is rooted in love and trust, not fear or obligation. Ask God for the courage to follow wherever He leads.

Day 3: Declaring Our Faith

Reading: Matthew 10:32-33

Devotional: Our faith in Christ isn't meant to be a private matter. Jesus calls us to acknowledge Him before others. Baptism is one powerful way we do this, but it's certainly not the only way. Today's reading challenges us to consider how we're declaring our faith in our daily lives.

Think about your regular interactions - at work, with friends, in your community. How often do you acknowledge Christ in these settings? This doesn't mean being pushy or preachy, but rather living in a way that clearly reflects your faith. Ask God to show you opportunities to share His love and truth with others. Pray for boldness and wisdom in declaring your faith.

Day 4: Living as New Creations

Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21

Devotional: When we put our faith in Christ, we become new creations. The old has gone, the new has come! This transformation isn't just a one-time event, but an ongoing process. Today's reading reminds us that we are now Christ's ambassadors, called to represent Him in this world.

Reflect on how your life has changed since coming to faith in Christ. What evidence of new life do you see? Where do you still struggle? Remember, transformation is a process. Thank God for the changes He's already made in you, and ask Him to continue His work. Consider how you can more effectively represent Christ as His ambassador today.

Day 5: Empowered by the Holy Spirit

Reading: Acts 1:4-8

Devotional: As we conclude this devotional series, let's remember that we're not left to live this new life in our own strength. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to empower us for the life and mission He's called us to. Today's reading reminds us of this promise and the purpose of this power - to be Christ's witnesses.

Spend some time reflecting on your dependence on the Holy Spirit. How often do you consciously rely on His power rather than your own strength? Ask God to fill you afresh with His Spirit today. Pray for opportunities to be Christ's witness, whether in word or deed. Remember, the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in you!


Love: Fruitology


Anointed to Transform